— PhD Candidates —

Fatemeh Rahimi

Research project: Elaboration of TiO2-coated flax fiber PLA-based composites for 3D-printed insulation panel application.

Fatemeh graduated with a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the Sharif University of Technology and a master's in polymer engineering from the Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran. After two years of working as a research and development expert in the polymer additives industry, she started her Ph.D. program in the fall of 2022 at the University of Ottawa. The main aim of her project is to enhance the dispersion of flax natural fibers as a sustainable reinforcement agent in the PLA matrix to prepare an appropriate eco-friendly filament for the 3D printing of insulation panels.

Donato Tale-Ponga co-supervised with Dr. Mathieu Robert (Université de Sherbrooke)

Research project:  An investigation into formulating and characterizing cementitious panels boards using hydrothermally-treated hemp hurd and CSA cement.

Donato Tale Ponga graduated with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University Institute of Technology (IUT) in Cameroon in 2015. After three years of working as a Works Engineer, he began his master's degree in civil engineering at the Polytechnique School of Sousse in Tunisia (2018-2021). Following a six-month research traineeship on the effect of hemp hurd lixiviate on the hydration behavior of Portland and sulfo-aluminous cement at Sherbrooke University (2021), he immediately started his Ph.D. at the same university in January 2022. The main aim of his project is to develop wood-cement boards using hydrothermally treated hemp hurd and three different types of cement, including GU Type I, white cement, and CSA cement.

Callisto Ariadne Beuthe

Research project: Enhancing Spruce Wood Performance: The Efficacy of Pre-Treatments and Bio-Based Nano-Particles.

Callisto graduated in May 2021 from the University of Ottawa with a BASc in Civil Engineering, focusing on Structural and Geotechnical studies. She commenced her Master's degree in Civil Engineering at the same university under Dr. Reza Foruzanmehr's supervision in September 2021. Her research project demonstrated her keen interest in structural engineering and her commitment to incorporating wood and other sustainable, innovative materials into building design. Callisto completed her Master's degree in December 2023 and has since enrolled as a PhD student, continuing her pursuit of developing sustainable materials. 

— Master Students —

Romal Mohammad Wakil

Research project:  Metakaolin based alkaline activated binders

I developed a strong interest in engineering from an early age. After completing high school with excellent academic performance, I was fortunate to enroll in the Civil Engineering program at Nangarhar University, one of Afghanistan's top universities. I studied for five years and graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering.

During my final year, I began working as a site engineer with a construction company under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Over the next four years, I focused on quality control management in various projects, gaining expertise in USACE's Quality Control System (QCS) and Government Residential Management System (RMS).

My duties included managing quality control, safety, mobilization, and security plans, and overseeing field inspections and material testing (concrete, soil, asphalt). As a Quality Control Director, I successfully led the construction of water well houses and army bases for the Afghan Army, earning several awards and recognition for my work.

Kieran Lobo co-supervised with Dr. Roberto Narbaitz (University of Ottawa) and Dr. Stéphanie Guilherme

Research project: The development of activated carbon using biomass found in Northern Canada for water treatment applications. 

Kieran graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Option) from the University of Ottawa in May 2021. He is continuing his master's studies in May 2021 to commence research and experimentation for his master's project. For this project, Kieran will work to develop activated carbon for water treatment purposes by recycling biomass materials found in Northern Canada under the supervision of Dr. Foruzanmehr. The broad project will require knowledge within many facets of Civil Engineering, and Kieran is dedicated to conducting research in these fields to accomplish his career goals. He is passionate about learning and teaching many of his passions, from music and sport to engineering and physics.

Declan Alexander Wylie co-supervised with Dr. Majid Sartaj (University of Ottawa)

Research project: Development of sustainable bio-sorbents for industrial wastewater treatment.

Declan completed his Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Ottawa in December 2020. Beginning in September 2021, he embarked on his Master's degree in Civil engineering under the co-supervision of Dr. Majid Sartaj and Dr. Reza Foruzanmehr at the University of Ottawa. The research being undertaken involves developing sustainable bio-sorbents for industrial wastewater treatment, and reflects Declans enthusiasm for sustainability in engineering, and for the research and development of new technologies.

Kamesh Solaiappan

Research project: Mix proportioning of geopolymers based on molar ratios for 3D printing applications.

The production of cement is responsible for 7 percent of global carbon emissions. In order to overcome this issue, geopolymer can be used as an alternative in place of cement. Geopolymer is made from low or high calcium alumino-silicates by mixing with reagents and mix-proportioned based on the molar oxide ratios which include CaO, SiO2, Na2O, and H2O. The fresh and hardened state properties are determined and its applicability in 3D printing is studied.

— Former Graduate Students —

Ineku Amhayesus Metaferia, MA Sc co-supervised with Dr. Beatriz Martin-Perez (University of Ottawa)

Research project: Characterization of corrosion products in reinforced concrete.

Ineku A. Metaferia moved to Canada from Ethiopia in 2014. She received her B.Sc in civil engineering with geotechnical/structural and engineering management and entrepreneurship option from the University of Ottawa in 2018. Encouraged by her passion for material science and structural engineering, she started an M.Sc. degree at uOttawa in September 2018 and currently completing her research. She is a member of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Ottawa student chapter. In addition to being trilingual, she enjoys learning new languages. And in her spare time, she likes to socialize, play badminton and cook. 

Mathieu Lemaire-Paul, MA Sc

Research project: Exploitation of silicon dioxide (SiO2) substrate to stabilize and improve the properties of wood.

Mathieu Lemaire-Paul is a bilingual French Canadian from Rockland, Ontario. He has always had a passion for science, mathematics, and he continues to broaden his knowledge to help people push their limits. His life motto is "Where there is a will, there is a way." He always stands by his word, and where he finds passion and dedication, there will always be a great outcome. He has recently graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in Civil Engineering, Structural and Geotechnical Option. Following his graduation in May 2019, he decided to pursue his study with a Master's program in Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Dr. Reza Foruzanmehr. Mathieu's research aims at promoting a sustainable future regarding the construction materials, more specifically looking into the development of more sustainable alternatives to conventional reinforcements for cementitious composites.

Sepideh Shahbazi, MA Sc

Research project: Kraft paper-based honeycomb sandwich panel in building envelopes and drywall systems.

Sepideh received her bachelor's degree in Architecture from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (2015), and her master's degree in Architectural engineering from Azad University of Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran (2018). She has started her Master of Applied Science degree at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, in January 2020. Her main research areas include sustainable building envelopes, building materials, and using natural fibers in cementitious materials to achieve sustainability. 

Callisto Ariadne Beuthe, MA Sc

Research project: A durability study of silicon dioxide (SiO2) reinforced wood substrate.

Callisto graduated in May 2021 from the University of Ottawa with a BASc in Civil Engineering, Structural and Geotechnical Option. In September 2021, she started her Master's degree in Civil Engineering under the supervision of Dr. Reza Foruzanmehr at the University of Ottawa. Her research project reflects her passion for structural engineering as well as the implementation of wood and other sustainable and innovative construction materials in building design. 

Amirmohammad Sabziparvar, PhD

Research project: Hygroscopic properties of natural hollow fibers in cement paste for sustainable superabsorbent applications.

Amir holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2017), and a master's degree in environmental engineering from the same university in 2019. He immediately started his Ph.D. degree in January 2020 at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa. His main research areas include the dispersion of nanomaterials in cementitious composites and the use of natural fibers as a sustainable alternative for reinforcements in cement-based materials.

- Research Assistants -

Geneviève L'Heureux 

Women Undergraduate Summer Student Research Awards

Projet de recherche: Étude de l'impact de l'utilisation de fibres d'asclépiade sur le retrait des pâtes cimentaires.

Geneviève a presque terminé son baccalauréat en génie civil à l'Université d'Ottawa. Elle devrait obtenir son diplôme en avril 2021 et aspire à poursuivre ses études en faisant une maîtrise dans le domaine du génie environnemental. Étant originaire d'Ottawa, elle était ravie de pouvoir poursuivre ses études en français. Au cours de l'été 2019, Geneviève a eu l'opportunité de travailler sous la supervision de Dr Reza Foruzanmehr et de Dre Lina Boulos. Son projet de recherche concernait l'incorporation de fibres d'asclépiade dans les pâtes cimentaires dans le but de réduire les phénomènes de retrait. L'objectif de ce projet était de récolter des données sur les fibres d'asclépiade telles que leur capacités d'absorption et de désorption en eau, d'étudier l'ouvrabilité et la viscosité de la pâte cimentaire lors de l'incorporation de ces fibres, et de mesurer les propriétés mécaniques de ces nouveaux composites.

En plus de se concentrer sur ses études, Geneviève passe la plupart de son temps à profiter du plein air et à prendre part à l'équipe de Canoë de béton de l'Université d'Ottawa en tant que mentor pour les nouveaux étudiants puisqu'elle était capitaine de l'équipe pendant deux ans. 

Annie-Claude Béland

Women Undergraduate Summer Student Research Awards

Research project: Honeycomb kraft paper-reinforced cementitious composites.

Annie-Claude Béland is an undergraduate student in Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa. During the summer of 2019, she conducted research in the field of sustainable building materials. The primary objective of her research project was to develop an affordable and sustainable building envelope using biomass. She is particularly interested in the design of concrete structures. In her free time, Annie-Claude enjoys spending time in nature, skating on the Rideau Canal, and playing with her dog.  

Nicholas Singer

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

Research project: Development of insulated lime-based drywall panels.

Nicholas Singer has almost completed his bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa. His passions range from flying drones to playing sports, and he is currently building out his own van to live in! He is a passionate worker and self-starter looking to innovate current construction practices to allow sustainable building techniques to be used globally. He has taken charge of investigating a sustainable alternative of cementitious drywall combined with Kraft paper honeycomb structures. Nicholas' excellent dexterity working hands-on paired with his attention to detail makes a perfect combination for consistent, quality lab work.

Maria Cheinova

Research project: Honeycomb Kraft-paper reinforced geopolymers and flax-based cement.

Maria Cheinova is an undergraduate student studying Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa. During winter 2021 semester, Maria experimented with manufacturing geopolymers and cement samples with the addition of flax fibers with the end goal of reducing the amount of portland cement being used in building and ultimately shaping a more sustainable future. In the future, Maria hopes to continue developing environmentally friendly options to reduce waste in the world of Civil Engineering.

Hamady Adiawiakoye

Projet de recherche : Développement d'un filtre à charbon actif pour le traitement de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques.

Hamady Adiawiakoye est un étudiant en quatrième année d'études à l'université d'Ottawa dans le domaine de génie civil progressant dans le programme coop. Il a été assistant de recherche durant son premier stage à l'université d'Ottawa durant lequel il a eu à élaborer du charbon actif à partir de différentes ressources locales et aussi à évaluer la capacité des filtres à traiter l'eau. Ce projet l'a beaucoup aidé à contempler le domaine environnemental et lui offre de très bonnes intentions à poursuivre un master.

Véronique Nadreau Wilson

Projet de recherche : Développement de géopolymères à base de cendres volantes pour l'impression 3D. 

Véronique est une étudiante de troisième année en génie civil à l'Université d'Ottawa. Lors de son premier stage coop, elle était chargée d'étudier la possibilité de créer des objets en géopolymère à l'aide d'une imprimante 3D. Ce projet lui a permis d'obtenir les compétences nécessaires à l'entretien et à l'utilisation d'une imprimante 3D pour des matériaux de terre. Cette expérience a mis en valeur sa capacité d'adaptation et son savoir sur l'impression 3D. Lorsqu'elle n'étudie pas, elle travaille en tant que pompière à temps partiel au sein de sa communauté et aime faire du camping.

Fructueux Jésugnon Sohounme

Projet de recherche : Étude des propriétés hygroscopiques des fibres de pappus de pissenlit.

Fructueux est titulaire d'une licence en Sciences pour l'Ingénieur génie civil à l'université de Lorraine, France (2021) et d'un Master Génie civil parcours Ingénierie de la durabilité, recherche et Innovation en Matériaux et Structure à l'INSA-Toulouse, France (2023). Passionné du génie civil et conscient des défis environnementaux que doit relever notre génération, il a décidé de mettre le génie civil au service de l'environnement. En effet, ces stages de recherche passés, ont porté sur la valorisation de co-produits industriels dans la construction et sur la durabilité des constructions.

C'est dans cette même optique qu'il a rejoint notre équipe en qu'en tant qu'Etudiant-Chercheur Invité grâce à la Bourse de recherche Globalink de Mitacs pendant l'été 2023. Il a travaillé sur l'étude des propriétés hygroscopiques des fibres de pappus de pissenlit et a aidé sur l'étude des composites cimentaires avec inclusion d'asclépiades. 

Foruzanmehr Research, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur St. (CBY), Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, CANADA
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